2009年11月3日 星期二


The musical “Mamma Mia” is a story about a single mother occurs matter with two daughters. However a daughter will get married but she actually hopes her own father will be able to the attendance. In the marriage eve she finds mother's diary that had the mother have three old sweethearts and had the possibility is her own father. Then she sends a letter invites three old sweethearts to come to attend the wedding but her mother don’t know. Her mother saw three old sweethearts and surprise called “Mamma Mia”. Then, the following humorous story to in light of this .........

“Mamma Mia” is establishes contacts by the ABBA orchestra's 22 song matching story the musical. The lyrics and the melody fusion are quite good. Plot simple everybody can understand nearly. The sentiment rich will not overflow and have the warmth in the simplicity. The song is interesting to listen. The final comedy ends. The musical leads audience's mood and causes the audience meeting to want with to sing joyfully. This is MAMMA MIA Charm.

